Editorial Team


Associate Prof. Dr. Adisti Primi Wulan, M.Pd [Google Scholar] [Sinta ID: 6029166] [Scopus ID: 57210463841] [ORCID. 0000-0002-1810-9050]  IKIP PGRI Pontianak, INDONESIA

Editorial Boards:

Associate Prof. Dr. Mulyono, M.Hum [Google Scholar] [SINTA ID: 6008446]  [ORCID][ScopusUniversitas Negeri Surabaya, INDONESIA

Associate Prof. Dr. Sugeng Hariyanto, M.Hum, Politeknik Negeri Malang, INDONESIA [Google Scholar] [Scopus] [SINTA ID: 5983424

Prof. Catherine Doherty, Ph.D. [Google Scholar] [Scopus] [ORCID] University of Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM

Associate Prof. Dr. Abbas Pourhosein Gilakjani [Google Scholar] [Scopus] [ORCID] Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, IRAN

Associate Prof. Md. Kamrul Hasan, Ph.D. [Google Scholar] [ScopusUnited International University, Dhaka BANGLADESH

Emmanuel Jibb Adams, M.Sc [Scopus Id], [Google Scholar], [ResearchGate] [Academia] [Linkedin] [ORCID] Kaduna State University, NIGERIA

Dessalegn Mekuriaw Hailu [Google Scholar] [ResearchGate] Debre Markos University (DMU), ETHIOPIA

Imran Hussain [ORCID] [Google Scholar] The University of Lahore, PAKISTAN

Associate Prof. John Erwin Prado Pedroso, Ph.D. West Visayas State University, PHILLIPPINES

Assistant Prof. Dr. Sanjay Dey Department of Zoology Ananda Mohan College, Kolkata. INDIA

Associate Prof. Dr. Mohammad Syahrun Ibrahim, [Google Scholar] [SINTA ID:        6715431] Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, INDONESIA

Muhartoyo, Drs; MA. [Google Scholar] [SINTA ID: 6790054]  Universitas Bina        Nusantara, INDONESIA

Associate Prof. Dr. Siti Mariam, M.Pd. [Google Scholar] [SINTA ID: 5972930Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, INDONESIA

Associate Prof. Dr. Kholik, M.Pd [Google Scholar] [SINTA ID: 6670670] IAI AL-Qolam Malang, INDONESIA

Aprianoto, M.Pd. [Google Scholar] [SINTA ID:  6168380] Universitas Pendidikan    Mandalika, INDONESIA


Angela Yanhua He [Linkedin] [ResearchGate] Fudan University, Shanghai, PRC CHINA 

Emmanuel Jibb Adams, M.Sc [Scopus Id], [Google Scholar], [ResearchGate] [Academia] [Linkedin] [ORCID] Kaduna State University, NIGERIA

Dessalegn Mekuriaw Hailu [Google Scholar] [Debre Markos University (DMU), ETHIOPIA

Prof. Dr. Julia Sevy Biloon [Google Scholar] Universidad Nacional de Educacion (UNAE), EQUADOR

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngawang Zepa, [Linkedin] College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan Phuentsholing, Chukha, 21101, BHUTAN

Associate Prof. Dr. Maria Morena Dela Peña [Linkedin] Biliran Province State University & Naval State University PHILIPPINES

Associate Prof. John Erwin Prado Pedroso, Ph.D. [ORCID] West Visayas State University, PHILIPPINES

Jeanette Mendoza-Baquing [Google Scholar] Tarlac State University-College of Teacher Education, PHILIPPINES

Christine Grace B. Sidchogan-Fuchigami [Google Scholar] [ORCID] Benguet State University La Trinidad, Benguet, PHILIPPINES

Peter Jon Mendoza [Google Scholar] University of Science and Technology of Southern PHILIPPINES

Tashi Wangchuk  [Google Scholar]  Royal University of BHUTAN

Associate Prof. Dr. Thamer Allawi [Google Scholar] Educational College, Anbar, IRAQ

Associate Prof. Dr.  Jibin Francis, Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, Hyderabad, INDIA

Associate Prof. Dr. Sanjay Dey [Google Scholar] [Research GateAnanda Mohan College, Kolkata, INDIA

Prof. Dr. Vijay Anant Athavale [Scopus] [Google Scholar] [Linkedin] [ResearchGate] Walchand Institute of Technology (Autonomous), Solapur, Maharashtra, INDIA

Associate Prof. Dr. Amrah Abdul Majid [Google Scholar] [Scopus] (Universiti Kebangsaan MALAYSIA

Associate Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Fathi Huwari [Google Scholar] [Scopus] [ORCID] Zarqa University, JORDAN

Pramod Kumar Sah [Google Scholar] [ORCID] The University of British Columbia, CANADA

Associate Prof. Dr. Shazia Akbar Ghilzai  [Google Scholar] [Scopus] Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, PAKISTAN

Victoria Tuzlukova, Ph.D. [Google Scholar] [Scopus ID: 36521873500] Sultan Qaboos University, OMAN

Dr. Ching-Ching Lin  [Google Scholar] Adelphi University, NEW YORK

Emmanuel Jibb Adams, M.Sc [Scopus Id], [Google Scholar], [ResearchGate] [Academia] [Linkedin] [ORCIDKaduna State University, NIGERIA

Prof. Dr. Julia Sevy Biloon [Google Scholar] [ResearchGate] Universidad Nacional de Educacion (UNAE), EQUADOR

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngawang Zepa, [Linkedin] [Google Scholar] [ResearchGate] College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan Phuentsholing, Chukha, 21101, BHUTAN

Associate Prof. Dr. Maria Morena Dela Peña [Linkedin] Biliran Province State University & Naval State University PHILIPPINES

Associate Prof. John Erwin Prado Pedroso, Ph.D. [ORCID] West Visayas State University, PHILIPPINES

Jeanette Mendoza-Baquing [Google Scholar] Tarlac State University-College of Teacher Education, PHILIPPINES

Christine Grace B. Sidchogan-Fuchigami [Google Scholar] [ORCID] Benguet State University La Trinidad, Benguet, PHILIPPINES

Peter Jon Mendoza [Google Scholar] University of Science and Technology of Southern PHILIPPINES

Tashi Wangchuk  [Google Scholar]  Royal University of BHUTAN

Associate Prof. Dr. Thamer Allawi [Google Scholar] Educational College, Anbar, IRAQ

Associate Prof. Dr. Amrah Abdul Majid [Google Scholar] [Scopus] (Universiti Kebangsaan MALAYSIA

Associate Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Fathi Huwari [Google Scholar] [Scopus] [ORCID] (Zarqa University, JORDAN

Pramod Kumar Sah [Google Scholar] [ORCID] (The University of British Columbia, CANADA

Associate Prof. Dr. Shazia Akbar Ghilzai  [Google Scholar] [Scopus] Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, PAKISTAN

Victoria Tuzlukova, Ph.D. [Google Scholar] [Scopus ID: 36521873500] Sultan Qaboos University, OMAN

Dr. Ching-Ching Lin  [Google Scholar] Adelphi University, NEW YORK

Emmanuel Jibb Adams, M.Sc [Scopus Id], [Google Scholar], [ResearchGate] [Academia] [Linkedin] [ORCID]  Kaduna State University, NIGERIA

AKINWALE ROTIMI [Google Scholar] [Linkedin] [ResearchGate] Mountain Top University Ogus State, NIGERIA

Presley V. de Vera [Google Scholar] [SemanticScholar] [Academia] Prince of Songkla University, THAILAND

Dr. Koné Apalo Ulrich [Linkedin] Université Alassane Ouattara, Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire

M. Zaim [Google Scholar] [Sinta] [ResearchGate] [Scopus] [ORCID] Universitas Negeri Padang, INDONESIA

Associate Prof. Dr. Mohammad Syahrun Ibrahim, [Google Scholar] [SINTA ID: 6715431] Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, INDONESIA

Uman Rejo [Google Scholar] [Sinta ID: 6735980 ] Universitas Timor, INDONESIA 

Associate Prof. Dr. Joyce Merawati, [Google Scholar] [SCOPUS] [SINTA ID: 5996729], Politeknik Negeri Bandung, INDONESIA

Associate Prof. Dr. Joko Kusmanto, M.Hum., [Google Scholar] [SCOPUS][SINTA ID: 84744]   Politeknik Negeri Medan, INDONESIA

Associate Prof. Dr. Retno Winarni, M.Hum., [Google Scholar] [SINTA ID: 6039445] [Universitas Negeri Jember, INDONESIA

Prof. Dr. Bambang Wibisono, M.Pd., [Google Scholar] [SINTA ID: 6654429] Universitas Negeri Jember, INDONESIA

Asociate Prof. Dr. Suriyadi, M.Hum [Google Scholar [SINTA ID: 6006548 ] Politeknik Negeri Medan, INDONESIA

Associate Prof. Dr. Arozatulo Bawamenewi [Google Scholar] [SINTA ID: 6747759] Universitas Nias, INDONESIA

Wisman Hadi, Dr; M.Hum. [Google Scholar] [Sinta] Universitas Negeri Medan, INDONESIA

Nanda Pambudi [Google Scholar] [Linkedin] [ResearchGate] [ORCID] Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, INDONESIA

Nashruddin [Google Scholar] [Sinta] [Scopus] [ORCID] Univ Muslim Maros Sulawesi Selatan, INDONESIA
Ni Nyoman Sarmi [Google Scholar] [Sinta] Universitas Dr Soetomo Surabaya, INDONESIA
Farnia Sari [Google Scholar] [Sinta] Universitas Tridinanti Palembang INDONESIA